Curriculum Vitae


2016 - 2020 • PhD candidate, SMARTlab/UCD, Dublin Ireland (unfinished)

2013-15    • MDes Inclusive Design - OCAD University, Toronto ON

2012       • Songwriting - University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies, Toronto, ON

          • Music Publishing 101 - Berklee School of Music, Online

1996-97   • Cree Language - Saskatchewan Indian Federated College,Meadow Lake, SK

1985-90   • Voice, Music Theory, Composition - Royal Conservatory of Music, Calgary AB

1980-81   • Foundation Year, Alberta College of Art, Calgary AB


2021 • Canada Council Governor General's Award in Visual and Media Art

2015 • OCAD University - Grad Ex Medal: Why the Caged Bird Sings

    • OCAD University Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship Award (Inclusive Design)

    • OCAD University President's Award

2009 • Webby Awards - Category: (honourable mention)

    • PuSH Festival Children's Choice Awards - (nikamon ohci askiy /Giveaway EP)

2007 • Canadian Aboriginal Music Awards, Best Group - M'Girl

2006 • imagineNATIVE - New Media Award: wêpinâ

    • Canadian Aboriginal Music Awards - Best Female Traditional/Cultural Roots Album (M'Girl)

    • Calgary Girls School - Women's Eve Arts Award

2005 • imagineNATIVE - New Media Award: & TELL:17

Permanent Collections

2021 • Here I Am, Indigenous Art Collection, Gatineau, QC

2019 • êkaya-pâhkâci v2019, Art Gallery of Alberta, Edmonton, AB

2014 • uronndnland, Mackenzie Art Gallery, Regina, SK

Research-Creation Project Residencies

2022-24 • Contributing Artist - Wicked Ideas, developed in collaboration with Vulnerable Media Lab;

    Jen Kennedy (PI, Queens U) and Susan Lord (CI, Queens U), Kingston ON (website)

2019-23 • Contributing Artist - Culture Sensorium: an Ethnography of the Senses, developed in

    collaboration with UNSW EPICentre (Expanded Perception & Interaction Centre); Jennifer Biddle

    (PI, UNSW), David Howes (CI, Concordia), Sarah Kenderdine (CI, EPFL) and Chris Salter

    (CI, Concordia), Sydney, NSW, AUS (VR, dome & image mapping projection)

Art & Music Commissions

2025-present • title TBD - George Street Revitalization Project, City of Toronto (public art)

2023 • wêpinâsowina v3 - Galerie Galerie Webthèque, Montreal, QC (versioning)

2021-22 • If the Drumming Stops (in collaboration with Tania Willard and Peter Morin) -

    Mill Woods LRT Stop, City of Edmonton Public Art Collection (images and syllabic text on glass)

2020 • gchi miigwech maskihkiya - AMPLIFY TV series, directed by Shane Belcourt, Jeremy

    Edwardes & Michelle St John, producers, APTN (nêhiyawêwin + Anishinaabemowin song)

2017 • Freedom Tours (in collaboration with Camille Turner) - Land Marks 2017, curated by

    Tania Williard, commissioned by Partners In Art, Rouge Park and Thousand Islands

    National Parks, ON (participatory interventions)

2014 • National Indian Residential School Commemorative Marker - (in collaboration with

    Mariane Nicolson, France Trepanier, Mathew Nuqingaq, Ursula Johnson), commissioned by

    Assembly of First Nations & Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Ottawa - (limited edition

    bronze sculpture)

2013 • kîwêsimowin - for Singing Our Bones, by Julie Nagam, Landslide/Possible Futures,

    Markham, ON (Cree language song)

2010 • making art - Nêhiyawêtan Season 2, Loretta Todd, Producer, APTN (TV episode song)

Solo Exhibitions

2020-25 • Why the Caged Bird Sings: immersive engagements - curated by Judy McNaughton

    for Common Weal Community Arts-North (touring exhibition), Mann Art Gallery, Prince Albert;

    Dunlop Art Gallery, Regina; Paved Arts, Saskatoon

2019 • (Sept) Wintercount and other freedom songs - curated by Judy McNaughton, Mann Art

    Gallery - Main Foyer Space, Prince Albert, SK

2016 • (Oct) Standing Up, Sitting In, Sounding Out - curated by Carina Maggazeni and

    Ellyn Walker, Isabel Bader Media Centre, Queen's University, Kingston, ON

2014 • (Feb) Here I Am - Algoma University Art Gallery. Shingwauk Residential School

    Archive Project, Algoma University, Sault Sainte Marie, ON

2010 • (Sep) nikamon ohci askiy (songs because of the land) - Mervin Francis Media Gallery,

    Urban Shaman, Winnipeg, MB

Group Exhibitions

2023 • (Feb) Here I Am - Canadian Indigenous Art Exhibition, Shung Ye Museum of Formosan

    Aborigines, Taipei, Taiwan

2022 • (Nov) nîpawiwin Akikodjiwan: Pimizi ohci - Entanglements, curated by Ryan Stec and

    Celina Jeffrey, Karsh Masson Art Gallery & Art Engine, Ottawa, ON

    • (Oct) Wintercount & ê-kwêskimot (s/he/they transform) - 2021 Governor General Awards

    Exhibition, curated by Jaimie Isaac, Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, Victoria BC

    • (Oct) iskocês: okicihtâw iskwêw-kamik ohci (sparks for the leading-woman-lodge)

    The Space Between Us, curated by Julie Nagam, Nuit Blanche, Toronto, ON

    • (Sep) Here I Am - Canada-Taiwan Indigenous Art, TAM, Tainan, Taiwan

    • (Sep) nîpawiwin nanâskomon ohci - La biennale d'art contemporain autochtone /

    The Contemporary Native Art Biennial - touring exhibition, curated by Mike Patten,

    Centre d'Art Daphne, Galerie Laroche/Joncas and Galerie She:kon, Montreal, QC

    • (May) nîpawiwin nanâskomon ohci - La biennale d'art contemporain autochtone /

    The Contemporary Native Art Biennial, curated by Mike Patten, Art MUR, Montreal QC

2021 • (Aug) miyoh pimâtisiwin ohci - Artists-In-Presidents: Transmissions to Power, online for

    a project by Constance Hockaday, curated by Christine Shaw, Blackwood Gallery, U of T

2020 • (Oct) Medicine Kitchen Table/The Beauty Within VR - Nuit in Your Neighbourhood,

    curated by Julie Nagam, Nuit Blanche, Toronto, ON

2019-23 • nîpawiwin nanâskomon ohci - Soundings: an exhibition in Five Parts, curated by

    Candice Hopkins & Dylan Robinson (touring exhibition), Agnes Etherington Art Centre,

    Kingston, ON; Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery, Kitchener, ON; Belkin Art Gallery, Vancouver,

    BC; + other locations TBA

2019 • (Sep) êkaya-pâhkâci v2019 - The Space Between Us, curated by Julie Nagam, Toronto

    Media Centre/imagineNATIVE Film + Media Art Festival, Toronto, ON

    • (Apr) êkaya-pâhkâci v2019 - Fix Your Hearts or Die, curated by Jessie Ray Short,

    Art Gallery of Alberta, Edmonton, AB

    • (Feb) freedom tours: dual dissonance (with Camille Turner) - A Sense of Site, curated by

    David Diviney, Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Halifax, NS

2018 • (July) running songs - for Ayumi Goto and Peter Morin's how do you carry the land?

    curated by Tarah Hogue, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, BC

2017 • (Dec) freedom tours: dual dissonance (with Camille Turner) - Land Marks 2017,

    Gladstone Hotel, Toronto, ON

    • (Sep) freedom tours: dual dissonance (with Camille Turner) - 150 Acts: Art, Activism,

    Impact, curated by Shauna McCabe, Art Gallery of Guelph, Guelph, AB

    • freedom tours (with Camille Turner) - Land Marks 2017, curated / commissioned by Tania

    Willard, Partners In Art, Rouge Park/Thousand Islands Park, ON

    • (Sep) uronndnland - extratextual, curated by Lisa Baldissera and Joanne Bristol, Calgary

    Contemporary, Calgary AB

2016-19 • nikamon ohci askiy/Ke'tapekiaq Maqim'kew (with Ursula Johnson) - #callresponse,

    curated by Tarah Hogue (touring exhibition): grunt gallery, Vancouver; Kamloops Art Gallery,

    Kamloops; Wanuskewin Gallery, Saskatoon; Galerie SAW Gallery, Ottawa; Blackwood

    Gallery, Mississauga; EFA Project Space New York; Truck Gallery, Calgary.

2016-17 • Founder (with Leah Decter) - Since Then, curated by Kegan McFadden, Nuna Now,

    Winnipeg, MB; Kamloops Art Gallery, Kamloops, BC

2016 • (May), Canadian Belonging(s) - curated by Ellyn Walker, Art Gallery of

    Mississauga, Mississauga, ON

    • (Mar) Tharawal kiskisiwin: Tharawal nîpawiwin ohci & Appin nikamowina - With Secrecy

    and Despatch, curated by Tess Allas and David Garneau, Campbelltown Arts Centre,

    Sydney NSW, Australia

2015 • (Sept) Can't Break Us (video) + yahkâskwan mîhkiwap (event) - Voz-Voz,

    curated by Maria Alejandrina Coates and Julieta Maria (e-fagia), YYZ Artists' Outlet and

    imagineNATIVE, Toronto ON

    • (June) pimâtisiwin kimamowây wahpisomitanaw - Our Land, Together, curated by

    Suzanne Morrissette, Harbourfront Centre Artport Gallery / Planet IndigenUS, Toronto ON

    • (May) Wintercount - Mamoowiang: to make change, curated by Jaimie Isaac and

    Leah Decter, Art Gallery of Southern Manitoba, Brandon, MB

    • (May) Why the Caged Bird Sings - GradEx, OCAD University, Toronto, ON (medal winner)

    • (Mar) Can't Break Us - Moving Forward, Never Forgetting, curated by Michelle LaVallee

    and David Garneau, MacKenzie Art Gallery, Regina, SK

2014 • (Jun) yahkâskwan mîkiwahp - Restless Precinct, curated by Reena Katz and Alize

    Zorlatuna, The Guild Sculpture Garden, Scarborough, ON

    • (Apr) Elk Rattle Singing and other musical relatives - Ecocentrix: Indigeneity in the

    Contemporary World, curated by Helen Gilbert, Horniman Museum, London UK

2013 • (Oct) nikamon ohci askiy (songs because of the land) - Ecocentrix: Indigeneity in the

    Contemporary World, curated by Helen Gilbert, The Bargehouse, London UK

    • (Sep) - Lovesick Child, curated by Elwood Jimmy, A Space Gallery

    and imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival, Toronto, ON

    • (Sep) Here I Am - GHOST DANCE: Activism, Resistance, Art, curated by Steven Loft

    Ryerson Image Centre, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON

    • (Aug) Here I Am (audio remix) - Recon, recon, curated by Ashok Mathur (touring):

    Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops; UBC-Okanagan FINA Gallery, Kelowna, BC

    • (Feb) nikamon ohci askiy (songs because of the land) - Andante: a walking pace,

    curated by Nan Capogna. Richmond Art Gallery, Vancouver, BC

2012 • (Sep) - Night Kitchen, curated by Lisa Myers, OCAD University

    & Scotia Nuit Blanche, Toronto ON

    • (Sep) maskihkiya mêskanaw (medicines path) - Concealed Geographies, curated by Julie

    Nagam & Suzanne Morrissette, A Space Gallery / imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts

    Festival, Toronto, ON

    • (Jun) êkaya-pâhkâci (installation) - Emnowaangosjig || Coming Out: The Shifting &

    Multiple Self. curated by Vanessa Dion Fletcher & Jessie Short, Toronto Free Gallery, ON

    • (Jun) - Re-Story. curated by Charo Neville, Kamloops Arts Gallery, BC

    • (Apr) spider - Ghostkeeper. curated by Glenn Alteen and Malcolm Levy,

    ON MAIN Gallery / Grunt Gallery, Vancouver, BC

    • (Jan) - Celebrity Edition Cookbook - commissioned by Lori Blondeau

    Tribe Inc., Saskatoon, SK

2012-14 • uronndnland - Beat Nation. Curated by Tania Willard and Kathleen Ritter (touring

    exhibition): Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver BC; The Power Plant Contemporary Art

    Gallery, Toronto ON; Musee d'art contemporain de Montreal, Montreal QC; Art Gallery of

    Nova Scotia, Halifax NS; MacKenzie Art Gallery, SK

2011-15 • - Decolonise Me. Curated by Heather Igloliorte (touring exhibition):

    Ottawa Art Gallery, ON; Robert McLaughlin Art Gallery, Oshawa, ON; Foreman Art Gallery,

    Lennoxville, QC; Art Gallery of Windsor, Windsor, ON; Thunder Bay Art Gallery, Thunder

    Bay, ON; Vernon Art Gallery, Vernon, BC; Reach Gallery Museum, Abbotsford, BC; Tom

    Thomson Art Gallery, Owen Sound, ON

2011 • (Apr) - Best Before. Curated by Lisa Myers, OCADU Graduate Gallery,

    Toronto ON

2010 • (Feb) everything up to the sky and down to the centre of the earth (with Andrew Lee) -

    First Nations/Second Nature. Curated by Candice Hopkins, SFU Audain Gallery,

    Vancouver, BC

2009 • (Sep) êkaya-pâhkâci - Chronotropic Village. Curated by Wanda Nanabush, Modern Fuel

    Artist-run Centre, Kingston, ON

    • (Sep) êkaya-pâhkâci: tongue tied - Speaking in Landscape Tongues. Curated by Peter

    Morin, Western Front Gallery, Vancouver, BC

    • (Apr) êkaya-pâhkâci - Beat Nation: Hip Hop as Indigenous Culture (online exhibition),

    curated by Tania Williard and Skeena Reece, Grunt Gallery, Vancouver BC

2008 • (Nov) v3.0 - Electric Fields, curated by Ryan Stec, Art Engine, Ottawa ON

    • (Sep) Generations of Telling - Dewdney Avenue Project, Common Weal Community Arts

    & Mackenzie Art Gallery, Regina, SK

    • (May) Radio 89.9 - Dewdney Avenue Project, curated by Elwood Jimmy & Carey Shaw,

    Common Weal Community Arts, Regina, SK

    • (Jan) nikamon ohci askiy (songs because of the land) - curated by Glenn Alteen,

    Grunt Gallery, Vancouver BC

2007 • (Oct) Hearing in Coyote Daze - Shapeshifters, Time Travellers and Storytellers, curated

    by Candice Hopkins and Kerry Swanson, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, ON

    • (Feb-Nov) - 21, curated by Elwood Jimmy (touring exhibition): Dunlop Art

    Gallery, Regina, SK; Paved Media Arts, Saskatoon, SK; A Space Gallery, Toronto, ON

2006-09 • permission to lie - World Upside Down, curated by Richard William Hill (touring

    exhibition): Musee d'art de Joliette, Joliette, PQ; Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, Victoria BC;

    Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Queens University, Kingston, ON; Walter Phillips Gallery,

    Banff Centre, Banff, AB

2006 • (Dec) e-oskâpêwisak - bentaerial, commissioned/curated by Joanne Bristol (online)

    • (Oct) wêpinâsowina - Storm Spirits, commissioned by Ahasiw Maskegon-Iskwew, Urban

    Shaman Gallery, Winnipeg, MB

    • (Sep) - Grrls, Chicks, Sisters & Squaws: Les citoyennes du Cyberspace,

    curated by Skawennati for MAWA, Winnipeg, MB

    • (Apr) awa ka âmaciwêt pîwâpisko-waciya - Object Lessons, curated by Tim Dallett,

    Paved Arts, Saskatoon SK

2005 • (Jun) 17:TELL - In the Line of Flight - Transcending Urbanscapes, curated by Sara

    Diamond, Beijing International New Media Arts Exhibition + Symposium, Beijing, China

    • (May) - Subverting Virtual Territories, curated by Elwood Jimmy, Godfrey

    Dean Gallery, Yorkton, SK

2004-06 • - Database Imaginary, curated by Anthony Kiendl, Steve Dietz & Sarah

    Cook (touring exhibition): Walter Phillips Gallery, Banff, AB; Dunlop Art Gallery, Regina, SK;

    Blackwood Gallery, U of T, Toronto, ON; Saidy Bronfman Centre for the Arts, Montreal, QC

2004 • (Oct) Shoring Support, Modern Fuel artist-run-centre, Kingston, ON

    • (May), Dak'Art Lab 6th Edition of Dakar African Biennale, Dakar Senegal

    • (Mar) wapahta oma iskonikan askiy - A Question of Place, curated by Candice Hopkins,

    Walter Phillips Gallery, Banff AB

    • (Jan-Dec) TELL: Aboriginal Digital Storytelling - Horizon, Sara Diamond -

    executive producer, Banff New Media Institute, Banff, AB

2003-04 • wêpinâsowina (beta version), sponsored by SOIL Digital Media/Neutral Ground, Regina, SK

2003 • (Jul) Elephant Paths of Karosta (with Mari Keski-Korsu) - Locative Media, coordinated by

    Marc Tuters, RIXC, Karosta, Latvia

    • (Sep) (v1) - Wild Fire on the Plains, curated by Morgan Wood, Mendel Art

    Gallery, Saskatoon, SK

2001 • (June) cistêmaw iyiniw ohci, Tribe Inc., Saskatoon/Makwa Sahgaiehcan Cree Nation, SK

1995 • Asowaha - HALFBRED (/w Ahasiw Maskegon Iskwew, Debra Piapot, Lynne Acoose,

    Kelly White, Sandy Scofield, Fidel Moreno - curated by D. Maracle & Glen Alteen, Grunt

    Gallery, Vancouver, BC

1990 • dearth [by means of the senses] (with Mark Dicey) - Noise Under the Tongue, curated by

    Sylvie Gilbert, Walter Phillips Gallery, Banff, AB

1988 • Self Love (with Yvonne Markotic) - Camera Obscura, curated by Nelson Henricks and

    Colleen Kerr, Roger's Cable 10 / EM/Media, Calgary, AB

Festivals & Special Events - Art

2016-18 • Founder video (with Leah Decter) - Montreal First People's Festival (Montreal PQ);

    Asinabka Film & Media Arts Festival (Ottawa ON); Antimatter (Victoria, BC); Gimli Film

    Festival (Gimli, MB); Winnipeg Underground Film Festival (Winnipeg MB); Limestone Coast

    Video Art Festival (Mount Gambier, Australia).

2016 • (Feb) Nikamon Ohci Askiy (Ke'tapekiaq Ma'qimikew): The Land Sings (performance)

    with Ursula Johnson - MONOMYTHS, FADO Performance Group, Toronto ON

2014-23 • yahkâskwan mîkiwahp (aka 'light' pole tipi) - Ecocentrix: Indigeneity in the

   Contemporary World, Millenium Bridge, (London UK); North American Indigenous Games

   Regina (SK); University of Waterloo (Waterloo, ON); UBC-Okanagan (Kelowna, BC); Fieldhouse

   (Vancouver, BC); Bush Gallery (Secwepmc Territory, BC); imagineNATIVE Festival (Toronto, ON);

   SMARTlab PhD Seminar (Ireland); Partners In Art Solstice (Fort York/Toronto); Cahersiveen

   Community Honouring (County Kerry, Ireland); Metis Kitchen Party (University of Alberta,

   (Edmonton); The Future Imaginary Symposium (Winnipeg Art Gallery/Winnipeg, MB); Cree/Metis

   Cultural Camp - Centre for Indigenous Theatre (Trinity Bellwoods Park, Toronto, ON); SMARTlab

   Intervention - World Economic Forum (Davos, Switzerland); Brigidmas - honouring the

   grandmothers (Bray, County Wicklow, Ireland); Star Kin/Caring (Scarborough Bluffs, ON);

    Indigenous Resiliance: Art As a Healing Practice (Centre for Indigenous Theatre, Toronto, ON).

2014 • (Jul) Elk Rattle Singing (performance) - Beat Nation, MacKenzie Art Gallery, Regina, SK

    • (May) Elk Rattle Singing (performance) - Ecocentrix: Indigeneity in the Contemporary

    World, curated by Helen Gilbert, Roxy Theatre, London UK

    • (Feb) ndn storytelling bus tour - Sâkêwêwak Storytelling Festival, curated by Leena

    Minifie, Regina Transit, Regina SK

2013 • (Feb) ndn storytelling bus tour - Sâkêwêwak Storytelling Festival, coordinated by Stephy

    Acoose, Regina Transit, Regina SK

2012 • (Oct) Mama Always Said (music video) - imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival, Toronto

    • (Oct) ( - imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival, Toronto ON

    • (Feb) Mama Always Said (music video) - Mama Said, Idaho State University, Pocatello

    Idaho, USA

    • (Jan) pawakan - Circle of Sleep. Curated by DB Boyko, Western Front New Music Series,

    Vancouver, BC

2011 • (Feb) ndn storytelling bus tour - Sâkêwêwak Storytelling Festival, curated by Elwood

    Jimmy, Regina Transit, Regina SK

2010 • (Nov) red+white=ndnspam - Canada Speaks. Commissioned/Curated by Hilary Peach,

    Poetry Gabriola Festival, Gabriola Island, BC

2009 • (Feb) nikamon ohci askiy (songs because of the land). PUsH Festival / Grunt Gallery,

    Vancouver BC

2008 • (Nov) v3.0 - Electric Fields, curated by Ryan Stec, Art Engine, Ottawa ON

    • (Nov) êkaya-pâhkâci - Auntie Heroes, curated by Maria Hupfield for Shaq'asthut -

    Gathering Place, Aboriginal Curatorial Collective / Live Society, ECIADU, Vancouver BC

    • (Oct) êkaya-pâhkâci, curated by Shannon Cochrane, FADO Performance Art, Toronto

    • (Oct) êkaya-pâhkâci, curated by Nicole Burisch, M:ST Performance Art Festival, Calgary, AB

    • (Sep) êkaya-pâhkâci, curated by Joanne Bristol, (in)visible Cities Festival, Winnipeg, MB

    • (Jun) êkaya-pâhkâci: setting up camp - HIVE2, curated by Glenn Alteen, Magnetic North

    Festival, Vancouver, BC

    • (May) awa ka âmaciwêt pîwâpisko-waciya (climbing the iron mountains) - Performance

    and Activism in Everyday Life, curated by Joanne Bristol, Mini-viva Festival, La Centrale

    Galerie, Montreal, PQ

2006 • (Oct) permission to lie (performance) - World Upside Down, curated by Richard William

    Hill, Walter Phillips Gallery, Banff AB

    • (Oct) wêpinâsowina - imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival, Toronto, ON

    • (Sep) pîyêsîsak ohci (with Candice Hopkins), Recontre Internationale D'Art Performance de

    Quebec, Le Lieu, Quebec, QC

    • (Apr) Guts: 3 First Nations Female Performance Artists Online, curated by Archer

    Pechawis, Grunt Gallery, Vancouver, BC

2005 • (Oct) + 17:TELL ( - imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival,

    Toronto, ON

2004 • (Oct) awa ka âmaciwêt pîwâpisko-waciya, 7a*11d Performance Festival, Toronto, ON

2000 • (Dec) mamâskac: the gameshow that takes about 20 minutes, AKA Gallery, Saskatoon SK

1996 • Ancient Memories 2 (with Reona Brass, Lori Blondeau, Debra Piapot, Amethyst First Rider

    & Rebecca Belmore) - Open Stage Theatre, Regina, SK

1995 • Tragedy (and other tall tales) (with Reona Brass), American Indian Festival, Cleveland

    Public Theatre, Cleveland, Ohio, USA

1994 • 40 Blocks - Dream Speakers Festival, Edmonton, AB

1993 • Take it to the Teeth (by Rita McKeough). curated by Annette Hurtig, Glenbow Museum,

    Calgary, AB

1992 • 3 Women in a Room (with Kira Wu, Roberta Rees-Whalley), Gallery 371, Alberta College

    of Art, Calgary, AB

    • We are weaving the (with Colleen Kerr), The Autonomist Florist, Calgary, AB

    • tsk (with Mark Dicey & Lyle Pisio), The Exquisite Corpse, Calgary, AB

    • Local Economy (with Peter Stinson & Christine Cook), The Exquisite Corpse, Calgary AB

    • Anger Blues (with Lyle Pisio & Mark Dicey), Graceland Art Rodeo, Calgary, AB

1989 • Dearth (with Mark Dicey), Simon's Hill, Calgary, AB

    • The Journey (by Colleen Kerr), The New Gallery, Calgary, AB

    • More Magic (by Mark Dicey) - All Audio II, The New Gallery/EM-Media, Calgary, AB

    • Dearth: New Darkness. collaboration with Mark Dicey EM/Media Calgary AB

    • Tables and Chairs - blue buffalo: Vol 7.1 Calgary, AB

1988 • He(a)rth - Order Out of Chaos, Calgary, AB

    • In the Garden (by Celine Godberson) - Media Blitz, The New Gallery, Calgary, AB

    • 55-2-1, Alberta College of Art, Calgary, AB

1987 • The Shapes of Time - Dusk Til Dawn, Graceland Performance Art Rodeo / 2nd Story

    Gallery, Calgary AB

    • Spirit of the Way - Night of the Living Junk Monkeys, Graceland Performance Art Rodeo

    & 2nd Story Gallery, Calgary, AB

    • Thesmophoria - A Feat, a Deed, an Execution and a Band, Screaming Fish Studios,

    Calgary, AB

1986 • Ju Ju Lullabye (by David P. Smith) - Performance Focus, The Night Gallery/2nd Story

    Gallery, Calgary, AB

    • Propaganda Ploy (by David P. Smith & Nelson Henricks), The Ion Centre, Calgary, AB

1985 • FEAR17 (with Michael Zeindler, Gary McPherson, Monica Wildemann, & David P. Smith)

    The Bow River / Memorial Drive, Calgary, AB

Programming & Curatorial Projects

2015 Owning With the Gaze: Millie Chen, Leah Decter, Stephen Foster, Ayumi Goto, Dion Kaszas,

    Suzanne Morrissette, Lisa Myers; Gallery 101, Ottawa ON

2010-12 NDN SPAM - Celebrity Edition Cookbook: James Luna, Keith Secola, Maria Campbell,

    Shirley Bear, Duke Redbird, Richard William Hill, Chief Lynn Acoose, Neal McLeod, Joseph

    Naytowhow, Adrian Stimson, KC Adams, Jordan Bennett, Lisa Myers, Terril Calder, Jessie

    Short, Vanessa Dion Fletcher, Walter Scott, Keesic Douglas; commissioned by Tribe Inc.

2011 (Sep) S-O-S (signals of survival): Julie Nagam, Raven Chacon, Bear Witness, Jason Lujan,

    Jason Baerg, presented by imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival & A Space Gallery,

    co-sponsored by FADO & interaccess, A Space Gallery, Toronto, ON

2011 (Jul) Codetalkers of the Digital Divide (or why we didn't become "roadkill on the

    information superhighway"), Paved Arts, Saskatoon, SK

2010 (Sep) RE:counting coup: KC Adams, Jordan Bennett, James Luna, Archer Pechawis, Lisa

    Reihana. presented by imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival and A Space Gallery, co-

    sponsored by FADO Performance Centre, A Space Gallery, Toronto, ON

2009 (Sep) Codetalkers of the Digital Divide (or why we didn't become "roadkill on the

    information superhighway"): Alanis Obomsawin, Buffy Sainte Marie, Melanie Printup

    Hope, Ahasiw Maskegon Iskwew, Mike MacDonald, Jimmie Durham, Jackson 2bears,

    Jennifer Wemigwans, Isuma. Co-presented by imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival

    and A Space Gallery, Toronto

2004 (Sep) 17:TELL - Aboriginal Digital Storytelling: Candice Hopkins, Guy Sioui Durant, Lou

    Ann Neal, Louise Profeit Leblanc, Neal McLeod, Gabriel Yayakeekoot, Duane Mark, Trinh

    Min Ha, Zacharias Kunuk, Jackson 2Bears. Produced by Sara Diamond and Susan

    Kennard, Horizon Zero, Banff New Media Institute, Banff AB

2003 (May) REDSCREEN: 13 videos from this land now known as Canada: Clint Starr, Thirza

    Cuthand, Dana Claxton, David Garneau, Greg Coyes, Darlene Naponse, Jude Norris,

    Shelley Niro, Shirley Cheechoo, Ken Williams, Steve Loft, Dennis Jackson, Colleen Simard.

    Co-presented by Sakewewak Artists' Collective and Cube Cinema, Bristol, UK

1993 Illuminate: Janet Hardy, Joanne Poirier, Roberta Rees Whalley, Kira Wu,

    Truck: an artist-run centre, Calgary, AB

1992 Reclaiming Identity - A State of Dignity: an installation by Celina Ritter. Truck: an artist-run

    centre, Calgary, AB


projects, bands, collaborations, co-writes + notable performances

2023 • (dec) Saskatchewan Music Industry Awards: Nikamok Honours Lifetime Achievement

    Award winner Edmund Bull, Broadway Theatre, Saskatoon, SK

2022 • (dec) Saskatchewan Music Industry Awards: Nikamok Honours Lifetime Achievement

    Award winner Brian MacDonald, Darke Hall, Regina SK

    • (nov) MMRC Lecture 2022: Listening to the Songs of Indigenous Lands (with Dylan

    Robinson), Joseph Haydn Hall, University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna Austria

    • (sep) Happy Birthday Round Dance for the Children (with Sherryl Sewepagaham, Debbie

    Houle, Donita Large, Renae Morriseau, Tracey Weitzel, Jenifer Brousseau, Monique Mojica

    Rose Stella, Shandra Spears, Cheri Maracle, Susan Blight, Veronica Johnny and Gerri

    Trimble), Butterfield Park, OCAD University, Toronto ON

    • (jul) Quiet As It's Kept: For Zitkála-Šá by Raven Chacon, Whitney Museum of American

    Art, Susan and John Hess Family Theater, New York, NY

2020 • (sep) Why the Caged Bird Sings - Parking Lot Karaoke, Mann Gallery, Prince Albert, SK

2019 • (sep) Why the Caged Bird Sings - karaoke concert, The Mann Gallery, Prince Albert, SK

    • (apr) For Zitkála-Šá - Raven Chacon Mini-Festival - The Music Gallery, Toronto, ON

2018 • (jul) Indian Summer: Cree language songwriting project (with Joseph Naytowhow & Moe

    Clark), Sturgeon Lake First Nation, SK

2016 • (may) Singing & Sounding Toronto: Cree language songwriting project (with Joseph

    Naytowhow & Moe Clark), Gibraltar Point Artist Residency, Toronto Island ON

2013 • (aug) Back to Where My Heart Belongs: Cree language songwriting residency (with Moe

    Clark & Joseph Naytowhow), Qu'Appelle Valley, SK

    • (jun) Green Party Plan 'C' Concert, The Mansion House, Dublin Ireland

2009 • The Dreaming: International Aboriginal Music Festival, Woodford, Queensland, Australia

2008-19 • Why the Caged Bird Sings: co-songwriting project with incarcerated women, men +

    detained youth in the land now known as Canada - various locations

2008 • Global Spirit: International Indigenous Music Concert, Walter Hall - University of Toronto ON

2007 - present • Singing Land: forging right relations - solo music & land reconciliation actions

2007 • A World of Possibilities Concert (with M'Girl), Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto

2005-10 • M'Girl: an Aboriginal Women's Ensemble (songwriter, vocals, percussion) Vancouver BC

2005 • (nov) Streets Called Home (with Colm O'Snodaigh, Rossa O'Snodaigh and Eoin Dillon),

    World Summit on Information Systems, Tunis, Tunisia

2005 • (jul) miyohtâkwan - it sounds good (with Joseph Naytowhow, Wayne Lavallee, Eekwol, &

    Violet Naytowhow), Ness Creek Music Festival, SK

2005-08 • Arlette Alcock (percussions & backing vocals), Vancouver BC

2004 • (summer) Sandy Scofield tour (backing vocals & percussion), Canada

1995-present • NIKAMOK - Joseph Naytowhow & Cheryl L'Hirondelle (vocals, hand drums, rattles)

1993-95 • Anishinaabe Quek Singers (vocals & handdrum), Toronto ON

1990-92 • Street of Crocodiles (vocals), Calgary AB

1989-1990 • Melville and the Rocket Scientists (lead & backing vocals), Calgary AB

1988-1990 • Anne Loree (backing vocals), Calgary AB

1987-1988 • Mark & Cheryl (lead and backing vocals), Calgary AB

1985-1986 • Storms of Life/The Blueman (bass, lead and backing vocals), Calgary AB

1981-1984 • VILE (lead vocals), Calgary AB


solo & band projects, session work + compilations

2021 • Joseph Naytowhow - Born From Dirt - single. Co-produced by Gregory Hoskins and Cheryl

    L'Hirondelle, Saskatoon & Guelph - (backing vox)

2018 • Cheryl L'Hirondelle - gchi miigwech maskihkiya, single. Produced by David Travers-Smith,

    Toronto (vox + percussion)

2016-24 • Why the Caged Bird Sings - the singles: The Beauty Within; The Journey Home;

    Come My Sisters, Come; Lightning Scarred Heart; Here I Am; Can't Break Us; To All Our

    Nations, Live the Life that is Meant for Me, A Journey to Freedom, Here I Am.

    Co-produced by Cheryl L'Hirondelle, Gregory Hoskins, David Travers Smith, Mark Schmidt

    and Glenn Ens, Toronto, Regina & Saskatoon - (vox + percussion)

2014 • Buffy Sainte Marie - Power in the Blood. Produced by Michael Wojewoda, Toronto -

    (backing vox)

2009 • Cheryl L'Hirondelle - Giveaway, 5 song EP. Produced by Gregory Hoskins, TO - (vox+keys)

    • Indian Reservation Blues and more - compilation (M'GIRL). Produced by Guy Fay &

    Phillipe Langlois, Dixie Frog Records, France

2008 • Cheryl L'Hirondelle - Giveaway, 3 song demo. Produced by Gregory Hoskins, Toronto

    • Pine Grove Creative Circles Project. Produced by Judy McNaughton, Common Weal

    Community Arts, Prince Albert, SK - (vox + percussion)

2007 • Arlette Alcock - Wolf Girl. Produced by Gaye Delorme, Green House Studio, Vancouver -

    (backing vox + percussion)

    • Violet Naytowhow - Wind of the North. Produced by Wayne Lavallee (backing vox)

    • Wayne Lavallee - Buffalo Soldier (single). Produced by Wayne Lavallee, (backing vox)

2006 • M'Girl - Fusion of Two Worlds. Produced and engineered by Kat Hendrix, (lead + backing

    vox + percussion)

    • Eugene Skeef - Remembrance. Produced by Eugene Skeef, Banff Centre (extended vox)

    • jef chippewa - one + five. Produced by jef chippewa, Banff Centre (extended vox)

    • SafetyNET - compilation (NIKAMOK). Produced by Colm O Snodaigh, London UK

2005 • Ness Essentials - 15th Anniversary Compilation (NIKAMOK). Produced by Byron

    Olsen, Ness Creek Music Festival, Saskatoon, SK

    • Many Voices: Alberta Aboriginal Curriculum Project - compilation (NIKAMOK).

    Produced by Pearson Education Canada, Toronto, ON

2001 • Flatland Music Festival Compilation (NIKAMOK). Produced by Saskatchewan

    Recording Industry Association, Regina, SK

2000 • Nikamok - Nikamok. Produced by Cheryl L'Hirondelle, Turtle Island Music, Saskatoon -

    (lead vox and harmonies + percussion)

1999 Waiting for the Star - Live concert (NIKAMOK). Produced by Sasha Koerbler, Bonnie

    Austring-Winter & Michel Lalonde, CBC Radio, Regina SK

1997 • Back Alley John - One Way Ticket to Palookaville. Produced by Tim Williams, Sundae

    Sound, Calgary - (backing vox)

1996 • Francis Marchildon - Balance. Produced by Francis Marchildon and Mark Schmidt,

    Earthling Sound, Regina - (backing vox)

    • Singing to Keep Time, A Collection of Metis Songs. Produced by Lyndon Smith for

    Gabriel Dumont Institute, Right Tracks, Saskatoon - (vox)

1995 • Back Alley John - More a feeling than a living - Back Alley John. Produced by Tim

    Williams and Jamie Kidd, Sundae Sound, Calgary - (backing vox)

1993 • Back Alley John - Out on the Highway. Produced by Tim Williams & Back Alley John,

    Sunday Sound, Calgary - (backing vox)


2000 • Crossings: The Bell of Batoche - written by Robert Winslow & Greg Daniels. Directed by

    Arturo Fresolone. 4th Line Theatre Company, Peterborough, ON

1998 • The Batoche Project - written by Robert Winslow & Bruce Sinclair. Directed by Arturo

    Fresolone. 4th Line Theatre, Peterborough, ON / Batoche, SK

1992 • MOTHER TONGUE - written, directed and produced by Cheryl L'Hirondelle and Alexandria

    Patience, Maenad Productions, Calgary, AB

1988 • Under a Cloud - by Brian Dyson and Paul Woodrow. Syntax Art Society, Calgary, AB

1988 • The Waitresses - by Nancy Cullen, music by Anne Loree. Directed by Alexandria Patience.

    Maenad Theatre Productions, Calgary AB